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19 Courses

Leadership Development

كيف تكون ذكي عاطفيًّا



This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 


Leadership Development

استراتيجيات وتكتيكات التسويق لتحفيز التوسع والمشاركة


This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Leadership Development

القيادة أثناء الأزمات



This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 



Leadership Development

أساسيات إدارة المخاطر من التخطيط إلى المعالجة



This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 


Leadership Development

إدارة التغيير



This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 


Leadership Development

فن الإقناع - استراتيجيات النجاح




This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Leadership Development

أساليب واستراتيجيات التوجيه المتطورة



This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 



Leadership Development

التوجيه الفعال بناء علاقات مهنية فعّالة

This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Leadership Development

أساسيات القيادة للمدراء الجدد



This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Leadership Development

إتقان الإدارة الاستـراتـيجـيـة



This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Leadership Development

استراتيجيات وأساليب حل المشكلات



This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 


Leadership Development

دليل المبتدئين لاتخاذ القرارات


This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Leadership Development

استراتيجيات اتخاذ القرار الفعال




This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Emotional Catalyst
Leadership Development
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Leadership Development

Emotional Catalyst

Description: This course is designed to help individuals develop the skills and the necessary mindset to navigate their emotions effectively in various situations. Emotional agility is the ability to be aware and understand your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, and use that knowledge to guide behavior and make better decisions.


Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:

Identify the importance of Emotional Intelligence leadership.

Develop self-awareness.

Use some self-regulation techniques.

Increase Self-motivation.

Recognize the importance of Empathy.

Apply steps to enhance social skills.

Program Language: English

Program License: 30 days starting from payment date

Price excluding payment fees: 400 EGP

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

إدارة الأزمات
Leadership Development
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Leadership Development

إدارة الأزمات

This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Leadership Development

العقلية السليمة لحل المشكلات

This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Leadership Development

Problem Solving Mindset

Description: This program is designed to improve decision-making, to improve the trainees' analytical capabilities and to guide them towards pursuing critical thinking.


Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:     

• Define strategic problems and discuss problem solving techniques.

• Demonstrate the criteria of an effective decision.

• Discuss the risks of decisions taken and strategies to overcome them.

• Explain the recommended solution and plan a communication strategy.

Program Language: English

Program License: 30 days starting from payment date

Price excluding payment fees: 400 EGP

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Leadership Development

مبادئ التخطيط الإستراتيجى

This program is only available in Arabic Language, therefore please change the site/app language to Arabic to know more about the program.

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here 

Leadership Development

Strategic Planning Basics

Description: This training is designed to address the recently observed need for the entry level and the front lines to get the basic knowledge and skills for strategic planning.


Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to:

• Identify basic concepts of strategic planning.

• Define environmental scanning and industry analysis.

• Define Strategy Formulation.

• Recognize components of strategy, implementation, evaluation and control.

Program Language: English

Program License: 30 days starting from payment date

Price excluding payment fees: 400 EGP

Payment by Fawry Fawry Logo Click Here